Connecting employers and foreign-born academics.
- Vasagatan 28
- 111 12 Stockholm
Our aim is to make it as easy as possible to participate in Jobbsprånget. Find frequently asked questions and useful practical information below. Please read through carefully. If you can’t find an answer, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Jobbsprånget is a four-months internship (in Swedish “praktik”) program. The purpose of Jobbsprånget is to speed up the introduction to the Swedish job market and to give foreign academics a chance to show their potential in their field of expertise. This is done by providing a platform where employers can advertise internships, that candidates then can apply to. More than 700 employers participate in 50+ different locations all over Sweden.
Jobbsprånget is intended for foreign academics with an academic degree, the degrees vary from bachelor, master or higher. The internships are primarily in areas of engineering, science, pharmacy or business/finance, HR, communications, architecture and more. There are different positions advertised every semester, check out the portal during the application period to see what internships you can apply for the upcoming semester. Please note Jobbsprånget is an internship, NOT a job.
The program has two semesters a year. For the spring semester the application period is between December 16 and January 16, for the fall semester the application period is open between July 16 and August 16.
This is due to Arbetsförmedlingens regulations for approving internships (“arbetspraktik”). As Jobbsprånget is run in close cooperation by Arbetsförmedlingen, we follow these rules, which means that the target group for the program are only people born outside of Europe. (For Ukrainians please see below).
Yes, Ukrainians who are in Sweden under the Temporary Protection Directive and registered in the Swedish Population Register (Folkbokföring) are now able to take part of Jobbsprånget. For more information, read here.
Jobbsprånget is run in direct cooperation with Arbetsförmedlingen. This means that it is always Arbetsförmedlingen who makes the decision whether you are eligible or not. Your eligibility will be tested automatically once you have applied to at least one internship opportunity during the application period.
Please note that it might take a while for the eligibility to be evaluated, however there is nothing you can do to speed this process up. You should NOT contact your case officer or Arbetsförmedlingen to have your eligibility assessed.
The color codes indicate your current eligibility status to participate in Jobbsprånget.
If you have gotten the orange status in the portal, Arbetsförmedlingen are not sure if you are eligible for the program.
The most common reasons for an orange status are:
You can reach out to Arbetsförmedlingen to see if there is any further information you need to provide for them to be able to determine your eligibility. Please note that in some cases it is not possible to turn your status to green. You can still apply to internship positions while orange and employers can still consider you when you have the orange status.
Yes, your eligibility needs to be determined again for each time you apply to Jobbsprånget.
Jobbsprånget conforms to the rules of Arbetsförmedlingen. Arbetsförmedlingen always makes the decision of your eligiblity for the program. If you are unsure about the reasoning behind your eligibility assessment, please reach out under “contact” at the top menu.
No, you can NOT do two semesters directly following each other due to regulations set by Arbetsförmedlingen. However, you are more than welcome to apply again after one semester of not participating has passed.
You are most welcome to apply as many times as you’d like. Please keep in mind that Arbetsförmedlingen determines if you are eligible or not.
Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to register without BankID. It is only possible to register with BankID and Freja eID.
To get a BankID you need to visit a bank office and open an account that is connected to your BankID. In order to get a BankID you must have a Swedish personal number and identification document. To see the requirements for Freja eID please visit their website.
Jobbsprånget has two different application periods: 16 July – 16 August and 16 December – 16 January. Please click here to watch video tutorials on the registration and application process of Jobbsprånget.
No, your eligibility will not be evaluated if you are not in Sweden. If you are currently on vacation but live in Sweden, you are welcome to apply. Please note that you must be in Sweden to complete an internship. Arbetsförmedlingen can not accept an internship for you if you are outside of Sweden.
If you are on a student visa you can not participate in Jobbsprånget. If you have finished your studies and applied for a work search visa after studies, please note that you will not be eligible until the new visa has been approved. If you are enrolled in studies, either full-time or part-time, but do not have a student visa, it is up to Arbetsförmedlingen to decide if you can participate in the program or not.
You can create a profile at any time at our website, but you can only apply for an internship between July 16 to August 16 and from December 16 to January 16.
You are welcome to apply to any employers seeking your skills or expertise. There is no limit to the number of applications you may make, but we recommend you to only apply to the internship position that are relevant with your background and interest.
Please note you need to upload your visa decision from Migrationsverket in order for Arbetsförmedlingen to know your visa type and thereafter test your eligibility for the program. An example of what the document looks like can be found here. If you no longer have this document please reach out to Migrationsverket to get a copy. Please upload this àt your Jobbsprånget profile, under ‘My Account’ → ‘Files’.
Kindly note that if you have at some point extended your visa, please upload the original (first) decision as well – as the code ‘X’ only states an extension of any visa, and Arbetsförmedlingen needs to know what type of visa that you have extended. Please refer to this video tutorial about different types of visa documents required for your profile.
You are welcome to apply to Jobbsprånget while you wait for a decision, however please note that you have to upload a confirmation (including your control number) of your extension application. Please refer to this video tutorial about required visa documents for more information.
No, you need to have gotten at least one visa decision from Migrationsverket to be eligible for the program.
Please upload a copy of your passport under ‘My profile’ → ‘Files’. Please refer to this video tutorial for a detailed information on required visa documents to complete your application.
First of all, we would like to recommend you to watch our tutorial videos to learn more about how the application period works How to apply – Jobbsprånget (
Check out our online sessions for tips on how to write a CV.
You can watch a tutorial on this here.
Your CV and cover letter must be in English.
No, you cannot change anything in your application(s) when the portal is closed. You can however upload additional files to your application(s) at anytime. Changes to your profile can also be done when the portal is closed.
Jobbsprånget is an internship (in Swedish “praktik”) for four months. Jobbsprånget is NOT a job.
The internship is part of an activity program within Arbetsförmedlingen and there is no salary during the internship. Instead the candidates can apply for a monthly allowance within Arbetsförmedlingen’s activity program. The allowance is handled and managed via Försäkringskassan. If you have any questions about the allowance or who to report your time please find information here or get in touch with Arbetsförmedlingen.
The employers arrange their own recruitment process. A majority of the participating employers will initiate the recruitment process after the application period ends 16 August/16 January, and a few before that – so do not wait with sending your applications. Please check your email and/or voicemail messages on a regular basis in case you are called for an interview by an employer. All communication will come directly from the company, not from Jobbsprånget. Jobbsprånget will however email you when all internships you have applied to have been finalized.
Neither Jobbsprånget nor the participating employers are able to arrange accommodation during the internship. Arbetsförmedlingen may compensate the candidate for travel expenses during the interview process and if you need to travel during your internship. Please see information regarding this on: Ersättning för resekostnader – Arbetsförmedlingen (
Yes, you can as both in-office and/or remote positions are available. Please note that if you apply for in-office positions in a city where you don’t live in, you are expected to arrange your own accommodation there. Neither Jobbsprånget, nor the employer can find a place for you to live. If you get a position in a city you don’t live in, you can always reach out to Arbetsförmedlingen to see if you are eligible for compensation for this.
Yes, you are insured through Arbetsförmedlingen (The Swedish Public Employment Service).
Please note that the insurance cover that is normally available when participating in labour market policy programs within Arbetsförmedlingen is limited when participating remotely. As an intern, you should therefore review your insurance cover and consider taking out private accident insurance when carrying out an internship remotely.
The internship can be cut short if any of the parties involved (intern, employer, Arbetsförmedlingen) so desires. There is no required period of notice to end an internship. It instead takes place when the parties involved have discussed it and reached an agreement, our recommendation is always to have a transparent dialogue about this with the employer.
Congratulations! Please do the following: 1) have a dialogue about this with your employer if the job offer is at a different company than you did the internship at 2) inform your Arbetsförmedlingen office 3) inform Jobbsprånget
You are expected to apply for jobs during your internship. Have a transparent and open dialogue about your job searching activity with your employer as well as your Arbetsförmedlingen office.
Jobbsprånget does not administer a possible extension of the internship period. If you wish to extend, we recommend that you in dialogue with your employer contact your local Arbetsförmedlingen office and ask what they need from you and your employer to file an extension request. As the different offices work in different ways we encourage you to reach out to them for more information as a first step. Here is the link to finding your office: Våra kontor – Arbetsförmedlingen ( Please note the extension can at most be two additional months.
Interns are not entitled to vacation days. If you are planning on taking some time off the best way to know the procedure is to get in contact with Arbetsförmedlingen. If you take time off without consulting Arbetsförmedlingen first you could be suspended from your internship.
If you get sick or if your child gets sick and you need to stay home (in Swedish ‘VAB’ (Vård av barn) = Care for sick child) this should of course be communicated to your mentor/manager at the company you are interning for. You also need to report this on Arbetsförmedlingen’s website. Please see links below:
The Jobbsprånget portal is action based. It is when you apply for an internship at a company, that your contact details, CV, letter and test results are visible to a person at the company.
No, it does not have the same functionality as the above mentioned sites. At Jobbsprånget you create a personal page when you register for an account. It is when you then choose to take the next step after registering an account to apply to an internship that the information concerning your application is visible to a specific person at the company where you want to become an intern at.
To be eligible for the program, you need to meet the following criteria:
No, the program is specifically designed for individuals with a high school degree. If you have higher education, you may not be eligible for this particular program. Please apply to Jobbsprånget if you have a degree in higher education (Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD).
Connecting employers and foreign-born academics.