Participating in Jobbsprånget since its early beginning, AFRY has experience in both hosting interns and working with the program within the organization. This spring, Diversity and Inclusion Manager at AFRY, Sofia Klingberg recognized an opportunity to accommodate an intern while also supporting their work on diversity and inclusion. “You might think that it will take a lot of time, do I really have time to support this extra person? But it’s a really great experience.”
Why does AFRY participate in Jobbsprånget?
It’s very simple actually. It’s about survival, it’s about finding the best people and Jobbsprånget is an excellent opportunity of finding those great people. It’s your future employees that are new in Sweden. Some of them are very new, others have been here several years, and it’s an excellent opportunity of giving them that first experience in Sweden.
How has your intern supported your work on Diversity and Inclusion?
Our intern is working together with me, she is a really great support because she is very calm and structured. When I was planning for taking in interns for February I new our schedule would be a bit hectic. We have a big inclusion and diversity week every year. I needed someone who could come in and support during that week. Therefore, I needed someone with event experience that also was very structured and great with people. She had all of that. She really delivered that first month of doing that big event.
Afterwards, we’re working a lot with communications and other events. She’s writing a lot of articles for me, which has been great.
How have you supported your intern during the programme?
We have check-ins every other day and I often give her tasks. For instance, now we are working with our gender target so she has assisted in benchmarking with different organizations and researching gender equality.
Would you recommend other employers to participate in Jobbsprånget?
Definitely. At AFRY we’ve had many Jobbsprånget interns throughout the years. I would definitely encourage more employers to join because it’s a great experience.
You might think that it will take a lot of time, do I really have time to support this extra person? But it’s a really great experience.